Sunday, March 24, 2013

Amati family and Antonio Stradivarius's profile

Amati family's violin making began with Andrea Amati. Violin maker of Amati family were in total five people, and the family’s famous student were Antonio Stradivarius and Giuseppe Guarneri(Guarneri Delgesu).
First, after completed his violin which the current violin is based on, Andrea Amati got married and blessed with two children named  Antonio and Girolamo.  He taught how to make violin to his two children. When Antonio became an adult, he made up his own violin studio, but he didn't have student, so no one took over his studio after his death.
Girolamo was  married, with one child. His name was Nicolo Amati, he will become a famous violin maker, and his student was Antonio Stradivarius the most respected violin maker in history.
 Antonio Stradivarius was born in Italy (1644~1737). His violins is valued even now, after 300 years.  There is no better violin than a his. Next week, I will explain Genealogy of the Italian violin makers of 16-17 century. see you next week.

                       Example of Antonio Stradivarius

Monday, March 18, 2013

first violin

Today I would like to talk about early history of violin. One of the people who made the first ever violin was believed to be Andrea Amati in 1500s.  He was born in 1505 in Creamona, Italy. Before violin there were some strings instruments similar to violin of today.  Violin was made based on them. Fiddle was one of them. It came from Arabic countries in to Spain than all over Europe. This instrument used in Europe for song and dance. The number of strings was not always the same. Could be 3, 4, or 5 strings.
Another example of instrument prior to violin was viole. Viole was really similar to current violin. The difference was number of strings,  how to play and how to hold it.
 It was often played with violin until1600s, but within only just one century it was taken over by violin. Why did this happen?  One of the reasons could be Amati’s revolutionary violin. Next week, I will explain Amati, his family and His students.

Example of violin, made by Andrea Amati

Example of Fiddle

Example of Viole

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm starting a blog

Hello I am Taichi. I started this blog today. i'm going to write about violin. I named this blog "addicted Violin" because i love violin. I have been playing violin for 9 years. and I want to be a violinist in the near future. most people think "good violin is Stradivarius" However, violin has so many kinds. For example they could be made in Italy, Germany, UK, France, and Japan. but actually they could be made anywhere.
From today, I will write about "Good Violin" every week. Next week I will write about early history of violin. Come back again!