I love Maxim Vengerov, and Masaaki Tanokura.
First I tell you about Vengerov, Vengerov from Novosibirsk, Russia. He started violin when he was 5 years old. He learned violin from Zakhar Bron. who is worlds best teacher of violin. I love his play, because of his passion. He change any piece of music in to a passionate piece. For example change simple music played by him. Saddenly become masterpiece. he is experimental in style.
However, I haven't heard him play live. I will go to his concert in June this year. I am looking forword to it.
Another favorite artist is Masaaki Tanokura. Who is my teacher of violin, I started learning from him when I was 4 years old. He is the first person ever in Japan to be concert master of three orchestra. I respect him for his vision and his technique of violin. he is so strict but he is so kind at the same time.He from I want to play with him one day.
He start violin when he was 4 years old. he stadied in Amerika, from
Next week, I would explain about My favorite die violinists. See you next time.
Example of Masaaki Tanokura